Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Monsanto Can't Feed The World

Dear Friend,
In a promising move, the G8 -- a group of the world's eight wealthiest nations -- has just announced a shift away from providing direct food aid to developing countries and towards helping farmers abroad produce and distribute their own food. This is so important to the shift our world needs.
That's a laudable goal. But the Obama administration along with members of the U.S. Congress are using this singular moment to move their own agenda: propping up U.S. biotechnology companies like Monsanto. They hope to accomplish this by promoting genetically modified seeds and chemical inputs as tools to fight hunger, despite research that shows that genetically modified organisms (GMOs) have little impact on crop yield and do not fare well in drought-prone regions that need the most help.
I just took action and signed a petition asking my senators to oppose the Casey-Lugar bill that would push GMOs on the world. I hope you will, too.
Please have a look and take action.

1 comment:

  1. Monsanto already accounts to 88% of the area planted worldwide with genetically modified seed and seed's with bio-tech traits. It's scary, I Wish someone could point out the benefit of genetically modified seeds, opposed to those seeds that nature created for us. If there is a legitimate reason I would like to know, for as far as I am concerned the earth creates what is good for us, naturally 0 modification needed.
