Thursday, July 30, 2009

Executive Order 13375: DHS Sets Guidelines For Possible Mandatory Swine Flu Quarantines

According to Wikipedia, Executive Order 13375, issued by George Bush in 2005 is as follows:
Amendment to Executive Order 13295 Relating to Certain Influenza Viruses and Quarantinable Communicable DiseasesDelivered on 1 April 2005.

By the authority vested in me as President by the Constitution and the laws of the United States of America, including section 361(b) of the Public Health Service Act (42
U.S.C. 264(b)), it is hereby ordered as follows:

Section 1. Based upon the recommendation of the Secretary of Health and Human Services, in consultation with the Surgeon General, and for the purpose set forth in section 1 of Executive Order 13295 of April 4, 2003, section 1 of such order is amended by adding at the end thereof the following new subsection:

“(c) Influenza caused by novel or reemergent influenza viruses that are causing, or have the potential to cause, a pandemic.”.
Sec. 2. This order is not intended to, and does not, create any right or benefit, substantive or procedural, enforceable at law or in equity by any party against the United States, its departments, agencies, entities, officers, employees or agents, or any other person.

GEORGE W. BUSHThe White House,April 1, 2005.
[Filed with the Office of the Federal Register, 10:49 a.m., April 4, 2005]
Note: This Executive order will be published in the Federal Register on April 5.
How does this apply to Swine Flu “pandemic” panic? Well apparently there is already discussion of mandatory quarantine, in a story released by CBS earlier this week:
April 28, 2009 5:12 PM
DHS Sets Guidelines For Possible Swine Flu Quarantines

Posted by Declan McCullagh
The U.S. Department of Homeland Security has sent a memo to some health care providers noting procedures to be followed if the swine flu outbreak eventually makes quarantines necessary.

DHS Assistant Secretary Bridger McGaw circulated the swine flu memo, which was obtained by, on Monday night. It says: “The Department of Justice has established legal federal authorities pertaining to the implementation of a quarantine and enforcement. Under approval from HHS, the Surgeon General has the authority to issue quarantines.”

McGaw appears to have been referring to the section of federal law that allows the Surgeon General to detain and quarantine Americans “reasonably believed to be infected” with a communicable disease. A Centers for Disease Control official said on Tuesday that swine flu deaths in the U.S. are likely.

Federal quarantine authority is limited to diseases listed in presidential executive orders; President Bush added “novel” forms of influenza with the potential to create pandemics in Executive Order 13375. Anyone violating a quarantine order can be punished by a $250,000 fine and a one-year prison term.

A Homeland Security spokesman on Tuesday did not have an immediate response to followup questions about the memo, which said “DHS is consulting closely with the CDC to determine appropriate public health measures.”

The memo from McGaw, who is DHS’ acting assistant secretary for the private sector, also said: “U.S. Customs and Coast Guard Officers assist in the enforcement of quarantine orders. Other DOJ law enforcement agencies including the U.S. Marshals, Federal Bureau of Investigation, and Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives may also enforce quarantines. Military personnel are not authorized to engage in enforcement.”
Story in full continues here:

The Alex Jones/Prison Planet version of the same news:
Homeland Security Issues Alert On Mandatory Quarantine Procedures

BATF and FBI to forcibly detain Americans despite only 7 confirmed swine flu deaths in Mexico
Prison Planet.comWednesday, April 29, 2009

The Department of Homeland Security has sent out an alert to health care providers outlining how BATF, FBI, and U.S. Marshals will be called upon to impose mandatory quarantines in the event of a widespread swine flu outbreak in the U.S.

According to the report, “DHS Assistant Secretary Bridger McGaw circulated the swine flu memo, which was obtained by, on Monday night. It says: “The Department of Justice has established legal federal authorities pertaining to the implementation of a quarantine and enforcement. Under approval from HHS, the Surgeon General has the authority to issue quarantines.”

The memo states, “U.S. Customs and Coast Guard Officers assist in the enforcement of quarantine orders. Other DOJ law enforcement agencies including the U.S. Marshals, Federal Bureau of Investigation, and Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives may also enforce quarantines. Military personnel are not authorized to engage in enforcement.”

However, a separate Defense Department planning document on dealing with pandemics states that the Pentagon will use the forces at its disposal to assist in “quarantining groups of people in order to minimize the spread of disease during an influenza pandemic” and aid in “efforts to restore and maintain order.”

As we reported yesterday, so-called “involuntary isolation” is already being enforced in certain areas of the United States. The state’s health director in North Carolina, Dr. Jeffrey Engel, said that authorities were already involuntarily isolating patients who may have the swine flu virus. He refused to divulge the location of where the victims were being quarantined.

News reports such as this one from MSNBC are prevaricating around the contention that quarantines are a normal event that Americans should be comfortable with. In reality, there has only been one case of “involuntary quarantine” in the U.S. in the last 45 years.

“In 2007, Andrew Speaker, an Atlanta lawyer, was quarantined inside a hospital in Denver on suspicion of having extensively drug-resistant tuberculosis. It turned out that the CDC was incorrect and Speaker had a milder form of the disease,” states the CBS report.

The MSNBC report also falsely claims that quarantines will solely be handled on a state/local level, when in reality, Bush’s executive order 13375 outlines a federal response, and the DHS memo lists numerous federal authorities that will have powers of quarantine.

In addition, the Bush administration’s National Strategy For Pandemic Influenza, released in November 2005, states that the federal government will impose “quarantines” and “limitations on gatherings”.

With Time Magazine busy preparing Americans to accept enforced mass vaccination programs and telling them to “trust” the government and “forgive” them when the vaccines cause death and injuries, the prospect of mandatory quarantines will likely be the precursor for any such nationwide vaccination program. The vaccine to supposedly combat swine flu is being manufactured by Baxter International, who were caught red-handed last month attempting to release bird flu vaccines which were contaminated with the deadly avian flu virus itself.

Swine flu has caused the death of one toddler in the U.S. and in fact only seven of the supposed 159 fatalities in Mexico have been confirmed as swine flu - meaning the other 152 could have been due to any number of infectious diseases that routinely kill Mexicans in the thousands on a yearly basis.

The comparative threat of swine flu does not correlate with the feverish reaction of authorities, who in the initial stages of the outbreak refused to take any measures to contain it, such as closing the border with Mexico, but after the virus had already begun to spread, they were quick to prepare draconian control measures while hyping the inevitability of a pandemic.
Meanwhile, the hysteria whipped up by the media has spread faster than the actual virus itself

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

The Obama Youth Brigade

Is this the change you really voted for? President Obama has only been in office for two months. Now we have HR 1388. The Bill was sponsored by Rep. Carolyn McCarthy (D-NY) with 37 others. The Bill was introduced to the floor of the House of Representatives where both Republicans and Democrats voted 321-105 in favor. Next it goes to the Senate for a vote and then on to President Obama.

This bill’s title is called “Generations Invigorating Volunteerism and Education” (GIVE). It forms what some are calling “Obama’s Youth Brigade.” Obama’s plan is require anyone receiving school loans and others to serve at least three months as part of the brigade. His goal is one million youth! This has serious Nazi Germany overtones to it.

The Bill would forbid any student in the brigade to participate in “engaging in religious instruction, conducting worship services, providing instruction as part of a program that includes mandatory religious instruction or worship, constructing or operating facilities devoted to religious instruction or worship, maintaining facilities primarily or inherently devoted to religious instruction or worship, or engaging in any form of religious proselytization.” That means no church attendance or witnessing.

Here is part of the HR1388 Bill’s wording:
Section 125 (42 U.S.C. 12575) is amended to read as follows:

(a) Prohibited Activities- A participant in an approved national service position under this subtitle may not engage in the following activities:

(1) Attempting to influence legislation.

(2) Organizing or engaging in protests, petitions, boycotts, or strikes.…

(7) Engaging in religious instruction, conducting worship services, providing instruction as part of a program that includes mandatory religious instruction or worship, constructing or operating facilities devoted to religious instruction or worship, maintaining facilities primarily or inherently devoted to religious instruction or worship, or engaging in any form of religious proselytization.
And finally

(10) Such other activities as the Corporation may prohibit.
"He alone, who owns the youth, gains the future." -Adolf Hitler

Saturday, July 25, 2009

How to Easily Reuse Household Items

Do you want to help the environment? With these easy tips you'll find that recycling takes a minimal amount of time.
1. Keep a recycling bin handy and make it easy to recycle. It takes only seconds to toss an empty bottle, plastic container or can into a bin. Keep it in a nearby closet or in the garage.
2. Recycle paper. Use paper grocery bags or cardboard boxes to hold the paper. When going through the mail toss unwanted junk mail into the recycling box. Reuse blank sides of paper for notes, or grocery lists.
3. Reuse plastic grocery bags. Many grocery stores now offer an incentive to customers who bring in their own bags, offering cents off per bag. Keep the bags in the car for easy access.
4. Old bed sheets or blankets make great drop cloths for painting, arts and crafts or household repairs.
5. Spread coffee grounds and fireplace ashes in the garden to add extra nutrients to the soil.
6. Grind lemon rinds in the garbage disposal to keep it smelling fresh.
7. Plastic fruit cups can be used for small jobs around the house such as painting, cleaning or polishing.
8. Don't throw away clothing or household items that are in good condition. Donate them to charity. Many charities will pick up your items.
9. Use plastic containers from margarine and whipped topping for leftovers.
10. Worn cotton items such as towels, washcloths or socks make perfect cleaning, dusting or polishing rags

Fun Crafts for the kids from Recycled Materials

Recycle your broken crayons into fun shapes and create brand-new crayons for your kids! You can also attach them onto gifts as a colorful decoration.

What you'll need:
Several old crayons
Assorted cookie cutters or candy molds
Old sauce pan or tin can for melting crayons
Aluminum foil

How to make it:
Take the paper off of the crayons and put them in an old saucepan. Or put the crayons in an empty tin can and place the can in a saucepan filled with water.
Melt the wax by turning the stove on low heat.
Place the cookie cutters on a sheet of aluminum foil. Pour the melted wax into assorted cookie cutters. You may need to hold the cookie cutters down to keep the melted crayons from running out.
Wait for the wax to set, then cool, and pop your brand new crayons out.

Stuffed Thanksgiving Turkey Toy

What you'll need:
Glove (who has lost its mate)
Sock (that has been outgrown)
Stuffing (old socks, scraps of felt, or torn up old clothing)
Tacky glue
Two wiggle eyes
Gold or yellow felt
Red felt

How to make it:
Let your kids stuff the glove using old socks, fabric, or felt scraps. Use a pencil to get the fabric up in the fingers of the glove. These are the turkey's feathers.
Let your kids stuff the sock until the stuffing reaches the heel. This is the turkey's head and body.
Push the end of the sock up inside the glove.
Bend the stuffed end of the sock so it looks like a head is looking at you.
Spread tacky glue on the back side of the turkey body and then push against the palm of the mitten. (see picture)
Let your kids cut out the beak and feet out of gold felt, and the wattle out of red.
Glue the beak, feet, wattle, and two eyes on the turkey.
Let dry.

Easy Booklet Binding to Create Journals, Drawing Pads, Or
School Projects

What you'll need:
The papers you want to bind --there shouldn't be any more than you'll be able to staple together at once. (For a blank book you could recycle paper that is printed only on one side by folding it in half so that the printing is on the inside. Then arrange the papers with the folded edges on the right and the top and bottom edges on the left so they can be bound in the binding.)

Optional--cardstock/ recycled cardboard pieces or other paper for a front and back cover. It's easiest to put on your title or cover drawing before assembling the booklet.

A matching or contrasting strip of paper for the binding. It should be as long as the bound edge of your booklet will be, and about 1 1/2" (3-4cm) wide.

A stapler, scissors, and glue.

How to make it:

Stack the papers and the covers in the order you want them to be. Lay the paper binding strip right side down on top of the front of the papers, with the edge lined up with the edge of the papers. (For those of you familiar with sewing, this is like putting on bias tape.)
Holding the papers carefully, staple 3 or 4 times along the edge of the papers about 1/4" to 1/2" (1cm) from the edge.
Fold the loose edge of the binding strip back toward the stapled edge along the row of staples. (The right side of the binding strip is now showing and the staples are covered.) Continue folding the binding strip around to the back of the booklet and crease where necessary. If the strip extends beyond the top and bottom of the booklet, cut off the excess.
Turn the booklet over and fold under the free edge of the strip so that it covers the same amount of the cover on the back as on the front. Glue the strip to the back cover or last page.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

More on the Monsanto Monstrosities

Multi-Billion $$ Monsanto Sues More Small Family Farmers

Percy Schmeiser is a farmer from Saskatchewan Canada, whose Canola fields were contaminated with Monsanto's genetically engineered Round-Up Ready Canola by pollen from a nearby farm. Monsanto says it doesn't matter how the contamination took place, and is therefore demanding Schmeiser pay their Technology Fee (the fee farmers must pay to grow Monsanto's genetically engineered products). According to Schmeiser, "I never had anything to do with Monsanto, outside of buying chemicals. I never signed a contract. If I would go to St. Louis (Monsanto Headquarters) and contaminate their plots - destroy what they have worked on for 40 years - I think I would be put in jail and the key thrown away." Rodney Nelson's family farm is being forced into a similar lawsuit by Monsanto.

Monsanto Brings Small Family Dairy to Court

Oakhurst Dairy has been owned and operated by the same Maine family since 1921, and Monsanto recently attempted to put them out of business. Oakhurst, like many other dairy producers in the U.S., has been responding to consumer demand to provide milk free of rBGH, a synthetic hormone banned (for health reasons) in every industrialized country other than the U.S. Monsanto, the number one producer of the rBGH synthetic steroid, sued Oakhurst, claiming they should not have the right to inform their customers that their dairy products do not contain the Monsanto chemical. Given the intense pressure from the transnational corporation, Oakhurst was forced to settle out of court, leaving many other dairies vulnerable to similar attacks from Monsanto.

Monsanto Hid PCB Pollution for Decades

ANNISTON, Ala. -- On the west side of Anniston, the poor side of Anniston, the people grew berries in their gardens, raised hogs in their back yards, caught bass in the murky streams where their children swam and played and were baptized. They didn't know their dirt and yards and bass and kids -- along with the acrid air they breathed -- were all contaminated with toxic chemicals. They didn't know they lived in one of the most polluted patches of America. Now they know. They also know that for nearly 40 years, while producing the now-banned industrial coolants known as PCBs at a local factory, Monsanto Co. routinely discharged toxic waste into a west Anniston creek and dumped millions of pounds of PCBs into oozing open-pit landfills. And thousands of pages of Monsanto documents -- many emblazoned with warnings such as "CONFIDENTIAL: Read and Destroy" -- show that for decades, the corporate-giant concealed what it did and what it knew.

To Learn More About Monsanto Visit

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Monsanto Can't Feed The World

Dear Friend,
In a promising move, the G8 -- a group of the world's eight wealthiest nations -- has just announced a shift away from providing direct food aid to developing countries and towards helping farmers abroad produce and distribute their own food. This is so important to the shift our world needs.
That's a laudable goal. But the Obama administration along with members of the U.S. Congress are using this singular moment to move their own agenda: propping up U.S. biotechnology companies like Monsanto. They hope to accomplish this by promoting genetically modified seeds and chemical inputs as tools to fight hunger, despite research that shows that genetically modified organisms (GMOs) have little impact on crop yield and do not fare well in drought-prone regions that need the most help.
I just took action and signed a petition asking my senators to oppose the Casey-Lugar bill that would push GMOs on the world. I hope you will, too.
Please have a look and take action.

Monday, July 13, 2009

Ten Easy Steps To Reduce Your Carbon Footprint And Save Money

Step 1:

Make the switch to Compact Fluorescent Lightbulbs (CFLs). Just a few years ago, CFLs were bulky, expensive, and hard to find. CFLs are now readily available at about $2.00 each. That’s more expensive at purchase than incandescent bulbs, but lumen for lumen (the unit by which a light bulb’s brightness is measured), CLFs use much less power. They also last up to ten times longer than regular bulbs. That means that the average CFL bulb will save $30 in energy costs over the course of its life. Accoring to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, if every American household were to swap just one bulb to CFL, we would save enough energy to light more than 2.5 million homes for a year and prevent greenhouse gases equivalent to the emissions of nearly 800,000 cars.

Step 2:
Monitor your thermostat. Small changes make a big difference over time. Make a note of where you normally keep your thermostat. Once you’ve got an idea where it is usually set in the summer and winter, make the Two Degree Pledge: up two degrees in the warmer months, and down two degrees when it’s cold. Check Lighter Footstep for energy-efficient ways to stay comfortable through the seasons and save up to $100 a year on your power bill. That’s equivalent to one ton of greenhouse gases which would have been produced by the energy you saved.

Step 3:

Clean or replace your air conditioning filter. Depending on where you live, air conditioning filters can get dirty in a matter of days. An air conditioner with a clogged filter has to work harder, which means higher power bills and the creation of more greenhouse emissions. Running clean, you can save up to $150 each year. You’ll also enjoy the benefit of fewer allergy causing particles in the air, and a more comfortable home or office.

Step 4:

Unplug idle appliances and electronic devices. Just because that cellphone charger doesn’t have a phone attached to it doesn’t mean it’s not drawing energy. Devices such as televisions with standby modes can use up to half the power they would draw when turned on. Don’t just turn something off: unplug it. The average household can save up to several hundred dollars a year just by pulling the plug on silent energy vampires.

Step 5:

Buy a low-flow shower head with a shutoff valve. In most homes, you can replace an old-style shower head with a modern unit in about fifteen minutes. You’ll reap two-pronged savings, both in water and the energy you’d have used to heat it. You’re also saving your community the power it would have used to treat the wastewater. The benefits can be pretty impressive, since water heaters account for about 25-percent of home energy use. Put several hundred dollars back into your budget each year and keep water use to a minimum.

Step 6:

Drive smarter. First, it’s a good thing to keep tires properly inflated, and this is a commonly recommended strategy for saving gas. But Edmund found others which make a more noticeable difference. Use your cruise control on the highway for up to a 15-percent improvement in mileage. Driving less aggressively is the single most effective way to save gasoline: accelerate out of lights more gently, avoid rapid braking, and only drive as fast as you must. And turn off your engine rather than idling excessively. If your car starts reliably, consider shutting it down at long lights. Skip the drive-through window, park, and walk your business inside whenever possible.

Step 7:

Get an annual tune-up for your car. At $200 to $300, a full engine tune-up sounds like a pricey way to save fuel and money. In practice, it’s a good investment. A faulty oxygen sensor, for instance, can penalize your car up to 3 miles per gallon. Worn spark plugs and dirty air filters can cost you another 4 MPG. It all adds up — fast. Set a fixed time each year to give your car the attention it needs. And check that fuel cap, while you’re at it. A loose or poorly sealed cap will vent gasoline vapor, polluting the air and costing you up to 2 miles per gallon. Tighten up!

Step 8:

Bust out that bike. Bicycles are the most efficient form of human transportation, and the only thing they burn is calories. Consider whether bike commuting might fit your lifestyle. Even if this isn’t the case, bicycles are a healthy and environmentally friendly way to run those short errands. You’ll need a helmet, a good lock, and proper lighting if you’re out before dawn or after dusk. Start by resolving to use your bicycle instead of a car just once a week, and build from there.

Step 9:

Go meatless once a week. If you’re not already practicing a vegetarian diet, consider cutting back on the amount of meat in you consume. Livestock production absorbs sixteen pounds of grain and soy feed for every pound of meat that actually gets to the plate. Each calorie of animal protein requires 78 calories of fossil fuels to produce, and irrigation directly associated with livestock production (including feeds) amounts to about half of all the consumed water in the United States. Give meatless substitutes like Boca Burgers a try, or scan vegetarian recipes for healthy and earth-friendly meal ideas.

Step 10:

Buy local; buy in season. According to the non-profit group Sustainable Table, the typical carrot travels 1,838 miles before it ends up in your kitchen. That’s a lot of food miles, and a tremendous amount of wasted fossil fuels and packaging. Buying regionally produced food is a keystone of sustainability: not only does it save the energy costs associated with shipping bulk produce, it keeps a portion of your grocery money close to where live. So locate your local farmer’s market and add it to your weekly errands. You’ll be supporting local growers while enjoying fresh, seasonal produce